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"For All Things Wardrobe"

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The Forgotten Underground

Today I want to send a shout out to all those in the fashion industry who have been overlooked for far too long. It has turned its nose to the masses and continued to rear its ugly head from conception until now.

Who is he/she that sets industry standards and rules with an iron fist? What qualifies them to reign over the industry from a national and/or international standpoint. Why does their opinion outweight the industry in its entirety? The answer to these questions are clearly seen and understood by those on the outside looking in.

My first problem with the industry is that it is not colorful. According to internet statistics, of the top 30 US fashion designers, NONE of them are African American. We all know that there is a racial divide from the models on the runway all the way up through to the high minded decision makers sitting in lofty penthouse offices. There is and has been an extreme imbalance that exists on EVERY level. "Other" models rule the catwalks, designers, some of which have never sewn, bombard the runways, magazines, and department stores, and executives over run all the offices in fashion.

This unfortunate rift has been created, cultivated, and owned by non-black elites who want to define beauty, fashion, and style from their own point of view without challenges. My hope is that we will finally understand the financial power, social influence, and infinite creativity we possess as a whole. I look forward to the day when other nationalities encompass the African American community and embrace our talent to set the pace for change in the fashion industry.

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